Contact Lenses Wearer Guidebook Illustration

Client: Capitol Optical | Singapore

A leading eye care provider with a 55-year heritage, offering comprehensive services through 17 stores across Singapore. 


Capitol Optical sought to promote their contact lens services, including extending them to children, while overcoming common concerns about the ease and hygiene of lens wear.


To address these challenges, I developed a Contact Lenses Wearer Guidebook illustrating the correct method of wearing contact lenses. Central to this approach was the creation of a brand mascot named Miss Berry. Miss Berry embodies an active and hassle-free lifestyle enabled by correctly wearing contact lenses, inspiring wearers to enjoy activities without the inconvenience of glasses.

Additionally, I created a sticker set that wearers can stick on their mirror, featuring fun illustrations of Miss Berry embracing contact lenses along with simple and catchy instructions: "Wash It, Lift It, Pop It, Blink It"

Design Approach:

The wearer's guidebook was crafted using a vibrant and engaging color palette dominated by Capitol Optical's blue brand color, complemented by black and light yellow. Additional splashes of orange and yellow were introduced to infuse a sense of fun and excitement into the illustrations. The illustrations were executed in a comic style, featuring thin lines, flat colors, and dot-shading techniques to enhance visual appeal and clarity. This stylistic choice aimed to make eye care maintenance enjoyable and approachable, steering away from a serious tone typically associated with eye health.

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