Glorify App - Prayers Flow: Communal & Personal Prayer Journey

The Prayers section of the Glorify app is designed to foster communal and personal prayer experiences. Users can join prayer groups, share prayer requests, and engage with others through comments and reactions. This feature allows users to create a strong sense of community by praying together on specific topics and inviting others to join their prayer groups.

Within the personal prayer screen, users can create a list of topics they want to pray for, choosing from themes such as spiritual growth, relationships, healing, and family. This customization ensures that the prayer experience is deeply personal and relevant to individual needs.

A unique feature of the prayer flow is the interactive prayer mode. When users pray, they place two fingers on the screen, symbolizing focus and commitment to the prayer session. This gesture helps to minimize distractions and create a more intentional prayer experience. Alternatively, users can opt for hands-free prayer, allowing them to engage in prayer while performing other activities.

UI/UX credits go to Sasha Maxim.


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