Flight Help Passenger & Admin Dashboard

FlightHelp UI components including status chips, passenger dashboard, main website claim form, custo

Project Overview

I designed a design system for Flight Help, utilizing custom MUI component systems tailored to different aspects of the platform. These components were integral in creating cohesive and efficient interfaces across three main platforms: the Admin Dashboard, Passenger Dashboard, and the File a Claim form. This project involved meticulous design and implementation to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for both administrators and passengers.

FlightHelp claims management screen displayed on a laptop and smartphone, showing claim details and

Claims Overview

The claims overview page, displayed in both desktop and mobile views, allows passengers to review and manage their claims. The design includes clear indicators for the status of each claim, required actions, and detailed information about each trip, making it easy for users to stay updated and take necessary actions.

FlightHelp trip details and passenger information screen on a laptop and smartphone, showing require

Trip Details and Signatures

The dashboard view in this image displays detailed trip information and highlights the actions needed, such as obtaining missing signatures. This layout provides passengers with clear instructions and an overview of their claim status, ensuring transparency and ease of use.

FlightHelp account details form with fields for personal information and required signatures.

Account Details and Proof of Identity

This image showcases the forms for editing account details, providing proof of identity, and uploading necessary documents. The design ensures that passengers can easily input their information and upload required documents, facilitating a hassle-free claim process.

FlightHelp illustrations depicting various travel and claim scenarios, such as working on a laptop,

Illustrations for Different Scenarios

This image features custom illustrations representing various travel scenarios. These visuals enhance the user experience by making the interface more engaging and intuitive, helping passengers understand the different steps and processes involved in managing their claims.

Two laptops displaying FlightHelp interfaces: an internal server error page and a ticket status page
FlightHelp ticket management system showing a list of tickets with options for bulk assignment to ag

Ticket Management and Bulk Assign

This image illustrates the ticket management screen, where administrators can view and manage all tickets. The bulk assign feature allows for the efficient assignment of multiple tickets to agents, streamlining the process and improving workflow efficiency. The design prioritizes clarity and ease of use, enabling administrators to quickly access and manage ticket information.

FlightHelp ticket details page with options to add passengers and edit ticket information.

Ticket Details and Add Passenger

The ticket details view provides a detailed overview of each ticket, including passenger information, document status, and office details. Administrators can easily add or edit passenger information, ensuring that all necessary details are captured accurately. The interface is designed to be user-friendly, reducing the time and effort required to manage individual tickets.

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Chay Land
Founder, Product Design Consultant, & Techstars Mentor
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