Discover functionality on the Dell website

Discover is a feature on the Dell website that helps users find the ideal server using category-specific filters. Since joining Dell in 2022, I have been the designer responsible for this feature and have implemented several improvements over the last two years. I want to share some of the approved improvements and show how we gradually evolved this functionality.

Old version

When I first started working on the Discover functionality, it was quite limited. Exposure and clickrate metrics were very low. After some interviews with users, I discovered that many did not click on the feature, thinking it was just an advertising banner.

Additionally, it took two clicks to open Discover to stage 3, where recommended products appeared. This demotivated users and hindered interaction with the component.

First big change

After intense research and design exploration, I arrived at the result below. In this new version, I removed stage 3 of the component, reducing the number of clicks to open the list of recommended products to just one click.

I also reworked the look of the first stage. In the old version, it resembled an advertising banner and had no buttons that suggested an action, just texts without a clear indication of interaction.

Now, when you click any button in the first stage, stage 2 immediately expands, displaying the recommended products.

New proposal: product carousel and single view

In early 2024, I began a new phase of research and design exploration at Discover, proposing significant changes to improve the product and positively impact conversion metrics.

I decided to unify stage 2 with stage 1, eliminating unnecessary clicks and making viewing recommended products faster and more accessible. I styled the buttons and filter tabs, and finally came up with a nice carousel card design. The "Learn" section was positioned below the carousel, allowing the user to access specific content about the chosen workload.

This new design really pleased the team. Due to time and resource constraints, we decided to implement the solution in stages, starting with a carousel view of recommended products.

I spoke with several users who preferred the carousel view over the list view previously used in Discover. We are still collecting data to understand the impact of this change on product conversion metrics.

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