Dora Bar
Launched in South Korea, Dora Bar is the home-made healthy protein bars using 100% natural, plant-based ingredients with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives. I created packaging designs and illustrations for the bar, as well as basic style guide for the brand.
The inspiration behind these bars came from the client's struggle to find healthy snacks for his young daughter while living in South Korea. Many of the protein bars sold in modern South Korea are filled with artificial sweeteners and preservatives, making it hard for him to find a safe snack for his daughter. Caring for her health, he was determined to fill this gap by creating his own solution.
The primal objective of the packaging design for the bar was to appeal to families with young children using friendly and accessible visuals. With this as the core, as well as to drawn interest to the product from children, I created cute characters of the ingredients used in the bars and featured them as the main elements of the packaging. Those eye-catching, simple illustration makes it easy to communicate about the product to children. Also, the hand-drawn feel of those illustrations reflects the artisanal nature of the bars.
The colour scheme was designed to match the 6 flavours of the bars. Those are reminiscent of the colours of the rainbow but kept in organic and natural hues that are seen on the ingredients, indicating that these are chemical-free products.
The typography were bold, easy-to-read for children, and has friendly aesthetics with curvy body. Those style remain consistent in both English and Korean font.
These healthy hand-made protein bars are currently available at Dora Bar's online store with shipping within South Korea.
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The full project details on my portfolio website: