Interviews with Icon Designers

So, I was thinking about the new exciting things I can bring into Icon Utopia. Therefore, I came up with the idea of posting interviews with top-notch icon designers. For a start, I aim to upload at least two interviews every month. Hopefully, this number will increase over time.

To make it happen, I need your help. I’m doing these interviews not only for me, but first and foremost for you, so I want them to be not only interesting, but helpful and fulfilling. So, if you had an opportunity to ask some of the greatest icon designers in the world anything you want, what would you ask?

Let’s avoid really technical questions and try focusing on the things that matter the most, like, the mindset, workflows, or behind-the-scenes stuff.

Just post your questions in the comments below. Thanks!

Also feel free to like comments with the best questions so I would know what interests you the most.

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