Netscales - SaaS Dashboard built with Carbon Design by IBM

Case Study: Building Cloud-Based Waste Management SaaS with Carbon Design by IBM

Netscales is a cloud-based Waste Management SaaS (Software as a Service) designed to streamline and optimize waste management processes for municipalities, businesses, and organizations of all sizes.

Built using the Carbon Design System by IBM, Netscales offers a user-friendly interface coupled with robust functionality to manage waste disposal, recycling initiatives, and sustainability efforts efficiently.

Mobile Optimization

Given that your stakeholders often access the platform on mobile devices in challenging environments, Carbon’s components are optimized for responsive design. This ensures a seamless user experience across different device types and screen sizes.

Client Needs

The inception of Netscales was driven by the increasing complexities in waste management and the growing demand for sustainable practices. Municipalities and businesses were struggling with outdated systems that hindered their ability to track waste generation, recycling rates, and compliance with environmental regulations. The client needed a solution that would:

  1. Provide real-time visibility into waste management operations.

  2. Offer comprehensive reporting tools with intuitive data visualization.

  3. Facilitate efficient communication and collaboration among stakeholders.

  4. Ensure scalability and adaptability to accommodate varying user needs

Why Carbon Design System?

Comprehensive Component Library

  • Extensive UI Components: Carbon offers a wide range of pre-built, highly customizable components. This allowed Netscales to implement complex features like dashboards and event listings swiftly.

  • Consistency: The design system ensures uniformity across the platform, which is crucial for usability and user experience.


  • Built-in Accessibility Features: Carbon is designed with accessibility in mind, supporting various standards that ensure the platform is usable by everyone, including those with disabilities.

  • Responsive Design: The components are optimized for mobile devices, which is essential for stakeholders accessing the platform on-site.

Open Source

  • Community Support: Being open source, Carbon benefits from continuous improvements and community support, providing Netscales with a constantly evolving toolkit.

  • Cost-Effective: Leveraging an open-source design system reduces costs associated with licensing and allows the team to focus resources on core development tasks.


  • Modular Architecture: Carbon’s modular design allows for scalable solutions that can grow with the platform’s needs.

  • Performance Optimizations: The design system’s components are optimized for performance, ensuring that real-time data updates and event listings are handled efficiently.

User-Centric Design

Carbon emphasizes user-centric design principles, ensuring that the end product is not only functional but also user-friendly. This is critical for your stakeholders, who may not be accustomed to using cloud-based software, as it reduces the learning curve and enhances overall user satisfaction.

Customization and Flexibility

While providing a solid foundation, Carbon also allows for extensive customization to match your specific branding and user requirements. This flexibility ensures that your platform can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your industrial stakeholders.

More by Alison Wenner

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