CODEPILOT - Design System

Design System

The CODEPILOT Design System is a comprehensive and cohesive framework designed to ensure consistency, efficiency, and scalability across all CODEPILOT interfaces. This system is tailored to support the needs of developers, enhancing their experience through a unified visual and interactive language.

Core Principles

  1. Consistency: A uniform look and feel across all CODEPILOT interfaces to create a seamless user experience.

  1. Efficiency: Streamline the design and development process with reusable components and clear guidelines, reducing time-to-market.

  1. Scalability: Facilitate easy updates and expansions to the design system, accommodating future growth and innovation.

  1. Accessibility: Ensure that all components meet accessibility standards, making CODEPILOT inclusive for all users.


  • Menus: Horizontal and vertical menus for site navigation.

  • Tabs: Tab components for organizing content within a single page.

  • Breadcrumbs: Navigation aids that show users their current location within the site.

  • Pagination: Controls for navigating through paginated content, with clear indicators for current page, previous, and next actions.


  • Input Fields: Standard text inputs, password fields, email inputs, and more.

  • Select Menus: Dropdowns with customizable options and search functionality.

  • Checkboxes and Radio Buttons: Clear, clickable options for user selections.

  • Validation Messages: Inline and summary messages to guide users and correct errors.

  • Form Layouts: Structured layouts to ensure consistency and ease of use.


  • Grid System: A flexible, responsive grid system to structure pages and ensure alignment, supporting various screen sizes.

  • Spacing Guidelines: Consistent padding, margins, and spacing rules to maintain visual balance and prevent clutter.

  • Breakpoints: Defined screen size breakpoints to ensure responsive design across devices.


  • Styles: Various styles including primary, secondary, and tertiary buttons.

  • States: Defined states such as default, hover, active, and disabled for visual feedback.

  • Sizes: Multiple sizes (small, medium, large) to accommodate different use cases.



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