Okdoctor - Website | Healthcare | UX/UI, Dev, Wordpress

The Okdoctor project involves the comprehensive redesign of their existing website to enhance telehealth services, specifically focusing on providing effortless second opinions from world-class online doctors. The goal is to create an intuitive, user-friendly platform that facilitates access to expert medical advice, diagnostic imaging reviews, and educational resources. The redesign emphasizes seamless user experience, high standards of data privacy, and responsive functionality across all devices.

Our Solution:

  • Strategy and Planning: Conduct in-depth research on user needs and telehealth industry standards.

  • Design and Development: Craft a user-friendly UI/UX that simplifies the process of accessing second opinions and medical resources. Develop responsive web functionalities for diverse devices.

  • Testing and Implementation: Perform comprehensive testing, including user experience testing, to ensure functionality and satisfaction.

Design Metrics (Expected):

  • User Engagement: Achieve a 30% increase in monthly active users post-launch.

  • User Satisfaction: Target an 90% positive feedback rate in post-use surveys.

  • Conversion Rate: Increase the number of consultation bookings by 20%.

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