PACIFY - Web App | Healthcare, AI Chat | UX/UI, Branding

The Pacify project involves creating a versatile and responsive web application that integrates therapeutic sessions, AI-driven chatbot support, and group workshop features to offer comprehensive mental health services. It aims to provide accessible and immediate support for users seeking mental wellness, ensuring flexibility in therapist selection and session scheduling.

Our Solution

  • Strategy and Planning: Conduct extensive research to understand user needs in mental health digital services.

  • Design and Development: Create a clear and engaging UX/UI design that encourages user interaction and simplifies the management of schedules and therapy tracking. Build robust functionalities to support interactive workshops and real-time AI chat sessions.

  • Testing and Implementation: Perform thorough testing, including user experience and functional testing, to ensure platform reliability and user satisfaction.

Design Metrics (Expected):

  • User Engagement: Target a 30% increase in registered users within the first three months post-launch.

  • Effectiveness of AI Support: Aim for a 90% user satisfaction rate in AI chatbot responses.

  • User Satisfaction: Achieve an 80% positive feedback rate in usability surveys post-launch.

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