AH Drawful (Rooster Teeth)
T-Shirt Project Explanation:http://jctecklenburg.com/the-t-shirt-project/
T-Shirt Project! I saw this animated logo by craftfig https://dribbble.com/shots/2354342-Craft-Fig-Studio and desprately wanted to learn how to make it. I was looking for designs and had remembered this AH shirt from their drawful letsplay and thought why the hell not. I cleaned up the drawings a bit, and they're not as clean as the Craft Fig Studio one, but it was still good. I taught myself to do this bounce-draw-on effect and now one of my favorite techniques.
Link to this Rooster Teeth Shirt Here: http://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/t-shirts/products/ah-drawful-shirt
I am not affiliated with RoosterTeeth in any way though they seem like awesome people. The original design is not my own. This is a personal animation project.