Landing page for SimplePark

Tools used: Figma, paper prototyping

I'm responsible for designing high fidelity prototypes in Figma for SimplePark's website.


Main question to be answered in this assignment is: how to make the landing page informative about the mobile application and other services provided by SimplePark?


Hero section

As the first step of the website design, I was asked to propose different variations of the Hero section design. The teliveries had to me made quickly, so I created hi-fi prototypes straight away.

After my iterations, the design was slightly adjusted according to the stakeholders' requests and posted on the website.


As the first stage of the solution creation, I dived into competitors' websites and thoroughly analyzed the website elements, of which I made collections. In this way, I created an inspirational moodboard.

Based on the website analysis, I conducted a data-supported result of the elements' priority on SimplePark's website.

Paper prototyping

Based on the data and conclusions, I created paper prototypes, followed by lo-fi digital prototypes.

Future steps

In the next steps, I will be responsible for delivering a hi-fi version of the prototypes in different variations. Later on, the landing page for SimplePark will be adjusted, based on those deliveries.

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