Odi Agency: Heliux Rebrand

When you’re bringing an AI-powered, all-in-one enterprise operating system to the engineering and manufacturing communities, your brand identity really has to show up. 💥

Heliux provides the software that centralizes cross-functional teams, operations, and data into a single system of record for these critical fields. Their offering powers the companies who make rockets and satellites and robotics and clean energy solutions—the kinds of things that directly impact humanity.

And yet, the software they used to support that work hadn’t seen innovation in decades. The tech was legacy and outdated.

🏎️ ——— Enter Heliux.

For Odi, the goal was to telegraph Heliux’s next-generation solution through its brand look and feel. We wanted a refreshed identity that would empower customers and attract talent; something as mission critical and exciting as the problems Heliux (and its customers) solve.

Click here to view the full case study.

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Focus Lab + Odi
Global B2B brand experts.

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