UIX Reimagined #19 - Google / pot holes

UIX Reimagined #19 - Google Maps - pot holes 🗺️💥 🚗

It's Google Maps, but during driving navigation, it shows you where pot holes are located 💥 🚗

Even though I surprise myself sometimes with my local pot hole knowledge so that I don't ruin my car, I'd still rather;

A) there weren't any in the first place

B) Google Maps could show me where they are when I'm driving somewhere I don't know 😅Although I fear there are so many on British roads, they'd be popping up every few hundred metres...

#FIxThePotHoles #GoogleMaps #UIDesign #UXDesign #ProductDesign #UIXReimagined #UXSatire #designinpublic #Figma #Driving

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