2 Dribbble Invites

Hello guys!

Happy to say that I have two dribbble invites to give away to two talented people.

So all you need to do:

1. Like this shot (Not necessary)

2. Follow me (Not necessary)

3. Email me a shot of 800x600 px and a portfolio/Behance link if any on 01riteshmalviya@gmail.com

4. Your dribbble account link.

5. A strong reason, why do you want to be a part of this community (Not necessary)

I will announce the winners soon.

Thank you for participating and good luck!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::: UPDATE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Players are drafted, please welcome @Mark Roberts and @Alok Jain

I'll keep the rests in mind if I'll get more invites in future, Thank you all for participating.


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