AJ Sweden

If you don't know by now, AJ is a Swedish company in the field of office and workplace furniture and equipment, probably the biggest in the world specialized for that niche. It's active for almost 50 years now, operates in 20 countries, with almost 15000 products in their range.

I'm a fan of their modular and clever designs, but never been a fan of their logo. Seeing it again during the World Hockey Championship, I've decided to play a bit with its form and insert some of that Scandinavian ingenuity in it. I also have this idea of losing the yellow from the logo lockup but still utilizing it as a secondary color.

✉️ > For project inquiries, feel free to reach out directly: type08@gmail.com


Type08 (Alen Pavlovic)
Logo designer. Author of >900 logos worldwide. Let's work!

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