Hasan Batik Digital Branding Website

Hasan Batik Bandung is one of the parties who contributed in introducing and developing batik in Bandung City, through business and creating the identity of Bandung Batik. However, along with the times, more and more other competitors that more popular are making identities as Bandung batik without taking the identity of Bandung batik that has been developed by Hasan Batik. Hasan Batik is currently still lacking in building their image as a pioneer of Bandung batik to the public through digital media. Hasan Batik's current digital branding condition has not met the aspects of identity, visibility, and credibility that must be met from digital branding. My main role in this project are understanding the behaviours, needs, motivations & challenge of these market segment, conduct a product & user research about the problems, design a digital branding strategy to articulate the solutions.

full: https://www.behance.net/gallery/196298799/Hasan-Batik-Bandung-Digital-Branding-Strategy

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