Harcliff Mining

Harcliff Mining Design Project

Harcliff Mining Services: A Brand Refresh for Industry Domination

Challenge: Founded in 1998, Harcliff Mining Services carved a successful niche in the industry. However, their brand identity, rooted in their past successes, no longer reflected their forward-thinking approach and global reach. To maintain their competitive edge and attract new clients in an ever-evolving mining landscape, Harcliff needed a comprehensive brand refresh that communicated their unwavering commitment to excellence and cutting-edge expertise.

Solution: As part of the design agency entrusted with this critical task, I spearheaded a multi-faceted brand refresh strategy focused on propelling Harcliff's brand identity into the future and solidifying their position as a leader in the mining services industry. We recognised the need for a cohesive brand experience that transcended traditional marketing materials and integrated seamlessly into the very fabric of Harcliff's operations.

Key Initiatives & Results:

• Mobile Brand Ambassadors: We designed eye-catching vehicle liveries that transformed Harcliff's fleet into mobile brand ambassadors. These dynamic visuals travelled across vast landscapes, creating constant brand awareness and garnering attention from potential clients throughout their operations.Moreover, the vehicle designs incorporated QR codes that linked directly to project case studies and service pages on Harcliff's website, allowing potential clients to learn more about Harcliff's capabilities with a simple scan.

• Cohesive Brand Experience Across Touch-points: Impactful signage was created to ensure a consistent brand experience at every customer touchpoint. This included signage at worksites, offices, and events, reinforcing brand recognition and fostering trust with potential and existing clients. The signage design incorporated elements from the vehicle liveries and website, creating a unified visual language that underscored Harcliff's professionalism and expertise.

• Digital Transformation: Website & Brochure Revamp: A complete UI/UX overhaul of Harcliff's website and brochures transformed the user experience. The new website offered a seamless and user-friendly online experience, showcasing Harcliff's capabilities and expertise to a global audience. High-quality visuals and interactive elements like project maps and service timelines brought Harcliff's work to life, while clear calls to action encouraged visitors to contact the company for inquiries. Similarly, revamped brochures with elevated visual presentation provided potential clients with clear and concise information about Harcliff's services, incorporating impactful testimonials from satisfied clients. 


This comprehensive brand refresh strategy yielded significant results for Harcliff Mining Services:

• Enhanced Brand Image: The new brand identity effectively communicated Harcliff's forward-thinking approach and unwavering commitment to excellence, elevating their brand image within the mining industry. Industry publications took notice, featuring Harcliff's innovative approach in articles and interviews, further boosting brand recognition. 

• Increased Brand Awareness & Lead Generation: Mobile brand ambassadors, impactful signage, and a user-friendly website with clear calls to action significantly increased brand awareness and lead generation. The QR codes integrated into the vehicle liveries directly translated into website traffic and inquiries from potential clients impressed by Harcliff's dynamic presence in the field.

• Strengthened Market Presence & Client Acquisition: The cohesive brand refresh strategy strengthened Harcliff's market presence. By showcasing their expertise and commitment to excellence across all touchpoints, Harcliff positioned itself as the preferred partner for leading mining companies worldwide. The revamped website and brochures became effective sales tools, allowing Harcliff to secure new contracts and solidify their position as a leader in the competitive mining services industry.

This brand refresh project demonstrates the transformative power of a well-executed design strategy that goes beyond aesthetics. By focusing on a cohesive brand experience across all touchpoints, from mobile vehicles to digital platforms,we equipped Harcliff Mining Services with the tools they need to thrive in the competitive mining services industry and establish themselves as a thought leader in the field.

Harcliff Mining Design Projects (signage, vehicle liveries, fleet, brochures, web banners)

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