SiKelab - Public Prison Reporting Application


As public prisoner, the user wants to optimize and digitalize the patrol report process

Problem Definition

  • Lots of patrol reports gone missing due to human error

  • Physical reports tend to be manipulated and fraud vulnerable

  • Patrol staff often skip patrol schedule unnoticed

  • High mobility of Warden due to business trip demand

Hypothesis Solution

  • Give the user a digital version of patrol reports

  • Create a QR Code for patrol check-in on each prison cell

  • Give super-admin accessible on mobile app

Questionnaires Highlights

  • How the patrol activity and reporting works?

  • What kind of reporting format do you use?

  • Who is responsible for approving the report?

User Persona

Agung - Warden

Agung is the warden who responsible for all activity in prison of ‘X’ city. Agung found that reports given to him by the patrol staff are not the same as the real condition in his prison. He also heard that lot of his staff skips the patrol schedule. He needs a solution where his staff cannot create fake attendance and wants the reports as original as the real conditions.

Narto - Supervisor

Narto is responsible for creating the patrol schedule and approves the staff reports. He complained about the paper reports gone missing before being inputted into existing computer. He hopes that by digitalizing the patrol system, his concern regarding the lost of document no longer exists.


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