Hacking Innovation – Podcast Artwork

Human1st had everything they needed to launch a successful B2B podcast: a great name, expert guests, and interesting topics. All they lacked was compelling artwork, so the opportunity for collaboration was huge.

It was my pleasure to help Simon Tratnik, the company's founder and host of the show, create this branding in early 2024.

Above: early sketches. The first one depicting a “pulse effect” led to the final design.

Above: some of the assets included in the delivery. Audiograms and quotes were carefully designed to highlight the deepest insights discussed on the show.

Special thanks to Simon Tratnik for his kind words, and for trusting me with such an important project. Definitely one to be proud of.

Let's work together!

Have a podcast that needs artwork? I'd love to hear from you.

Matt Worde
Crafting Beautiful Podcast Brands

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