Brutalism Instagram Posts and Stories
Create beautiful business ads, fashion promos, sports ads, and more all as Instagram posts and stories. Highly customizable with Photoshop Smart Objects.
You can download this product from HERE
Create beautiful business ads, fashion promos, sports ads, and more all as Instagram posts and stories. Highly customizable with Photoshop Smart Objects.
You can download this product from HERE
Brutalism Instagram pack is compatible with Photoshop and it contains 10 Instagram posts and story templates. With this pack, you can create beautiful business ads, fashion promos, sports ads, and more. The usage is very easy by replacing the text, and image via Smart Objects.
10 photoshop templates (PSD)
5 Stories- 5 Posts
Smart layers Images, Text, Shapes, and Background on separate layers
Easy customization
Designed for graphic designers and motion designers
PDF File for guide and fonts link