SCREENPIX - Visual Identity
Beforehand, SCREENPIX was known as Red Blue Films, a production studio based in Yogyakarta that focused on documentary films. Red Blue Films developed a new vision to reach a broader audience beyond the documentary films and underwent rebranding by changing its name and logo.
SCREENPIX realize the world was changing faster than we could keep up espescially of how the film industry has significant transformation in the past few years. Therefore, SCREENPIX produces and distributes film in many ways, many genres, many platforms—beyond the boundaries.
The name SCREENPIX is derived from the acronym “SCREEN,” which signifies the screen or frame as a medium for storytelling, and “PIXEL” (short for picture cell), which refers to the smallest point in a graphic image that, when combined, can create a digital image.
The logo should feel exclusive without incorporating gold elements.
The logo should be reflect our brand personality.
Incorporate elements of film or a screen and
pixel inside.