"Business travel agencies at a time of choices" ⏱
The major manoeuvres experienced by Travel Management Companies (TMC) in 2021, as they emerged from the pandemic, are clearly not over.
While the acquisitions in 2021 seemed to be a response to the search for complementarities (technological or market), GBT's latest external growth operation illustrates more of a race for size by adding volumes.
In medium term, we could see the rise of a new international player. What do these moves tell us about the challenges facing TMCs today ?
Illustration of the "Cahiers du Voyage d'Affaires" episode 13 of 2024, resulting from the discussions of the CDS Groupe Grand Live on the business travel of tomorrow.
Thanks a lot to CDS Group, @ziadminkara, Rebecca Xerri, Marie-Laure Cahier and Laétitia Lafond.
Illustrator contact :
* France : fabiengilbert.com
* World : @artistique.agency