Mobile APP - UX / UI Design - SINPEEM

Developing an intuitive, attractive and engaging app to help union members access and resolve all their needs in one place

SINPEEM is a union that represents teachers in São Paulo. Our app is designed to simplify access to essential documents for members.

This project was developed within the Grupo Smarti, where I have been working for over a year as a Web Designer.



Working on creating the SINPEEM app design was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences. Collaborated closely with the team to define, develop and deliver visual designs in a union member-focused environment. The objective was to create an easily accessible application to inform and educate users on how to access and use the necessary documents efficiently.

My Role

As the sole designer, I was responsible for designing the user interface (UI), user experience (UX), rendering layouts and defining the design system. I worked mainly with project manager Brenda Renata. Created frameworks and prototypes to share vision, design principles, and content strategy. This helped conceptualize ideas, gain alignment, and guide decision-making.


As the sole designer, I was responsible for designing the user interface (UI), user experience (UX), rendering layouts and defining the design system. I worked mainly with project manager Brenda Renata. Created frameworks and prototypes to share vision, design principles, and content strategy. This helped conceptualize ideas, gain alignment, and guide decision-making.

Project Brief

The SINPEEM app was launched in April 2024, offering essential and useful tools for union members to access their documents conveniently and effectively.

The customer's desire is to concentrate all modalities in one place to provide ease and convenience to the user, thus simplifying their access and use experience.

⚡️ Challenge: create an application with good user experience and ease.

The screens were developed with design components in a consistent pattern across all pages, ensuring a cohesive experience and facilitating integration into future projects.


The PEO and I collaboratively drafted the information. We decided to organize the app's content into 3 steps:

1. Home - including login, password recovery and password verification steps.

2. Home Page - centralizing all functionalities to ensure good usability, especially considering that the application is aimed at an older audience. Therefore, the font and button sizes have been adapted.

3. Files - the application serves as a center for documents needed by users, so several screens were developed following this pattern.

This architectural decision had a huge impact on the quality of the user experience, allowing users to quickly familiarize themselves with useful information.


After several rounds of reviews and iterations, we developed an app designed with clarity and purpose. Accessible navigation allows users to navigate between sections of the app efficiently, features make information digestible, and multiple CTAs guide users to find more relevant details. It's a rewarding experience to see an application I worked on being released and knowing that many SINPEEM users will be using and benefiting from it.

See it here: SINPEEM APP Prototyping


🤝 Executing the Transition from Design to Development

This project gave me valuable experience transitioning from deliverables to development in a consumer-facing environment. In addition to prototyping the APP in Figma, I created a guide within the creation software with arrows of different colors so that it would be even more detailed for the development team. I ensured pixel perfection within organized layers in my final file, and exported all assets with correct naming conventions.

🌟 Practice Leads to Excellence!

During my time at SINPEEM, I learned to constantly raise the quality of my designs by soliciting feedback from colleagues and stakeholders through formal design reviews and presentations. It was a meaningful growth experience to present my designs in multiple reviews, practice leading open conversations and sharing my point of view, and learn from my mentors through feedback. I realized how essential it is to maintain effective communication with my team, especially when asking clarifying questions to remove obstacles and balance tight deadlines.

Posted on Jun 1, 2024

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