Flash Message |#dailyUI|

Hey Dribbble community!

I'm thrilled to share my Day 11 task: Flash message designs with cool animations for a file upload scenario, created in Figma! This project features two flash messages: one for success and one for error, each with its own unique and expressive illustrations.

What I Created:

  1. Success Flash Message

    • Message: "File has been uploaded successfully"

    • Illustration: A very happy boy illustration celebrating the success

    • Animation: Smooth and cheerful animation to enhance the positive experience

  2. Error Flash Message

    • Message: "Error: File upload failed"

    • Illustration: A very sad boy illustration reflecting the error

    • Animation: Subtle and thoughtful animation to convey the disappointment

Tools Used:

  • Figma: For designing and prototyping

Key Features:

  • Expressive Illustrations: Each flash message features a boy illustration with emotions that align with the message (happy for success, sad for error).

  • Engaging Animations: Cool animations that add a dynamic and engaging element to the flash messages.

  • User-Centric Design: Focused on providing clear feedback to the user with visually appealing and intuitive messages.

  • Consistent Visual Theme: Maintained a cohesive look and feel with consistent color schemes and design elements.

#FlashMessageDesign #UIDesign #UXDesign #Figma #AnimationDesign #DailyChallenge #DesignJourney

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