Product Card - Frahm Website

About the Project

Frahm began its journey on June 9, 1961 with the manufacture of radios through its founder Mr. Norberto Frahm, in the city of Rio do Sul/SC.

Serving the entire national territory with more than 3,000 customers, Frahm is also present in some Latin American countries, transforming its customers' needs into complete solutions for the sound system of any environment.

The company is marked by the technological pioneering spirit of its creator, followed by his family and collaborators. Innovation and differentiation are in our DNA.

In this project, I focused on expanding Frahm's website for the American market, emphasizing seamless integration of current elements and payment systems. By employing a human-centered design approach, I optimized the website with clear communication, minimalist elements, and striking imagery to enhance the overall user experience.

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