Bryter Lyter

i took in this project as a way to find my personal flow while reaching for a execution journey that felt both methodic and also a bit raw. something in between a rotoscope and a frame by frame animation.

my process:

1. open the video in premier

2. export the frames in jpeg

3. selected the best and most fluid ones (ended up whit 18 frames)

4. illustrated each one in photoshop as different groups in the same document (worked with 3 layers "base" + "details" + "light" with an outer glow effect for each frame)

5. opened the timeline animation and gave each instance "0,1 sec" + "forever"

6. export as "Sequence.gif"

i'm very happy with the result, understanding the way around light — where the shadows goes when the light moves. i also tried to keep the illustration simple in order to stay with the emotional essence of the visual concept.

Bryter Lyter* is a Nick Drake record, 1970s

Hit me if you want more details on the process.

More by guillllermina

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