Hotel group logotype design | Studio Suprasoul

The logo for Solos Hotels Group features a unique typographic twist where the “L” is replaced with a “1,” subtly emphasizing the brand’s name and its connection to the word “Solo.” This smart design choice reflects the individuality and exclusivity of Solos properties, while the use of a dark, refined color palette exudes elegance and timelessness.

Solos Hotels Group, an apartment hotel chain in top tourist destinations, offers a unique investment opportunity. Investors can purchase apartments, with Solos handling the rentals to generate income, while also providing owners the option to stay in their properties. This dual benefit of investment and personal use is encapsulated in the brand positioning “Here, you are one of us.” This slogan fosters a sense of community and belonging, aligning with the brand’s name and values. Our branding work extends to every detail, from elegant door hangers to luxurious stationery. Each element is designed to reinforce the brand’s sophisticated image and ensure a cohesive, high-end experience for guests.

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Brand Identity & Digital Product Design

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