Hey Dribbble community!

Excited to share my latest project for Day 06: a user profile page, edit profile page, and settings page for a social media app, all designed in Figma! This task was all about creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience for managing personal profiles.

What I Created:

  1. User Profile Page

    • Clean and modern layout displaying user information

    • Easy access to posts, followers, and following

    • Visually appealing header with profile picture and background

  2. Edit Profile Page

    • Intuitive form for updating personal information

    • Clear and accessible design for a seamless editing experience

    • Save and cancel buttons for user convenience

  3. Settings Page

    • Organized layout for managing account settings

    • Toggle switches and dropdown menus for easy adjustments

    • Security and privacy options clearly presented

Tools Used:

  • Figma: For designing and prototyping

Key Features:

  • User-Centric Design: Focused on creating an intuitive and engaging user experience across all pages.

  • Consistent Visual Theme: Maintained a cohesive look and feel with a consistent color palette and typography.

  • Responsive Design: Ensured the layout is adaptable for both mobile and desktop views.

#dailyui #userprofiledesign #uidesign #uxdesign #figma #socialmediaapp #dailychallenge #designjourney

More by Yogeshwar

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