Salad Chalice (Rooster Teeth)

T-Shirt Project Explanation:

T-Shirt Project Day 16. The Salad Chalice shirt was an interesting one to make. The main challenge being the buttress like indentations around the main flask. I wasn’t quite sure how to model it. I think the handle and lips of the glass are loft nurbs, while the angular section is it’s own geometry, and the main flask it it’s own geometry. In the end, I created the arc and booled a cloner with capsules to create the arcs, but it felt like cheating. I also experimented with the mograph cloner for the leaves.

Link to this Rooster Teeth Shirt Here:

I am not affiliated with Rooster Teeth in any way though they seem like awesome people. The original design is not my own. This is a personal animation project.

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