Prospera - Investment dashboard design for you

Investment dashboard

This dashboard was created on a personal situation where I felt the need to have a one-stop overview of all my investments with the rise and surge of IPOs and public investment options. As a newbie investments can get so complicated!

The problem statement is - To create an overview of all my investments in one place where I can track what I have invested in, how much, and on what platforms do I have my investor details.

User Research and Understanding

  1. User Personas: I tried to solve my blockers when it comes to an all-in-one place for my personal investments. It is difficult to have one place with all of my investment details.

  2. User Goals: To identify best ways to track my favourites or highly-invested stocks/companies/IPOs etc. To have access to my funds and National Investor Number (NIN), and to know the exact count & type of investments I have made.

Information Architecture

  1. Content Organization: Structure the dashboard's content hierarchy logically, grouping related information.

  2. Data Visualization: To present complex financial data in an easy-to-understand format - Investment type + invested funds = profit/loss.

UI Design

  1. Visual Design: Create a sleek and modern interface without creating a sensory overload.

  2. Color Scheme: Choose a sophisticated color palette -

    001F3F - Navy blue & FFC107 - Golden yellow (The navy blue and golden yellow colors create a professional and vibrant investment dashboard interface.)

  3. Typography: Select legible and modern fonts such as DM Sans

  4. Iconography: Utilize outlined minimalist set of icons that is universally understood by users.

  5. Whitespace: Incorporate ample whitespace between elements to enhance visual hierarchy, improve readability, and create a sense of elegance and sophistication.

It was a fun mind-challenging exercise, exploring various case studies, creating the branding behind Prospera, playing with graphics & auto-layout on Figma, and getting inspired from the community.

I look forward to experimenting more! :)

More by Sonia O.

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