One-Click File Sharing with AR

Hello Dribbblers! 👋

Another day, another shot from our project called One-Click File Sharing with AR UI - 2024 Design Creative UI.

Design - Figma, Vision Pro


This Dribbble post features a concept for a mobile app that uses augmented reality (AR) to simplify file sharing. The image depicts a user holding their smartphone over a physical document, likely a folder containing files, and a visual interface appears to share those files instantly.

Effortless File Transfer:

  • AR Integration: The core feature is the use of AR to superimpose a user interface on top of a physical object (the document folder).

  • One-Click Sharing: The text mentions "Share 'Documents' Folder" and "Share now" suggesting users can initiate file transfer with a single click within the AR interface.

  • Security Options: The dropdown menu showcases "Anyone on the internet" and "Only people I select" implying users can choose sharing permissions.

The Future of File Sharing:

This concept presents a streamlined and potentially more intuitive approach to file sharing, leveraging AR to simplify the process.

Here are some additional details you could include in your Dribbble post description:

  • Discuss the potential benefits of AR for file sharing (e.g., faster transfer speeds, error reduction).

  • Explore how the AR interface might be customized for different file types or sharing scenarios.

  • Mention any security considerations related to using AR for file sharing.


🖤 And don't forget to show us some love with "Like". Thanks!


Enter your text here...Do you want to design such creative app for you? Feel free to get in touch with me : Email or Skype

Thanks you!

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