Fleshigs - Scroll animation
Comin in hot 🔥🔥🔥, Say ahhhh!
We've just wrapped up an awesome project for Fleishigs! It's an incredible magazine that is like a cookbook 🍔 and travel 🌎 magazine 📰 in one.
Scope of work:
Wireframes, design, illustrations, and motion graphics
Front-end and back-end implementation
Website and integration with online store and mobile app
Branding was crafted by our awesome partners at mannsales.co
Client: fleishigs.com
Landing Page: Grzegorz Leśniewicz

Wireframes: Martyna Miłosz

Illustration: Konrad Szłapa

Motion: Leszek Jańczyk
Branding: Mann Sales Co.
Creative Direction: Naftoli Mann & Jack Levinson, Grzegorz Leśniewicz

Visit our team profile!More stuff coming soon!
Do you need some help?Send us a message: contact@widelab.co
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