Webinar Funnel Template - Landingpage
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Beschreibung (Deutsch): Dies ist die Funnel Vorlage für einen modernen Webinar Funnel. Du kannst diese Vorlage für deine eigenen Projekte verwenden. Gehe dazu auf www.masterfunnels.io und sichere dir das Vorlagen-Bundle.
Dir stehen 6 Funnel-Vorlagen zur Verfügung: Beratungs-Funnel, Webinar Funnel, Report Funnel, Online Training Funnel, Seminar Funnel und Buch Funnel.
Description (English): This is the funnel template for a modern webinar funnel. You can use this template for your own projects. To do this, go to www.masterfunnels.io and get the template bundle. You have 6 funnel templates available to you: consulting funnel, webinar funnel, report funnel, online training funnel, seminar funnel and book funnel.
This funnel was created with the software funnelcockpit.com
You can create beautiful funnels, landingpages, membersarea, webinars, email-marketing, blogs and much more...
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