Sign Up Page

Hey Dribbble community! 🎨

I'm excited to share my first post for the Daily UI Challenge. For Day 1, I designed a sign-up page for ClubLit, a fictional company dedicated to bringing readers together. πŸ“šβœ¨

ClubLit is all about connecting book enthusiasts with local book clubs and creating a vibrant community of readers. The sign-up process is simple and inviting, encouraging users to join and start their literary journey.

I had so much fun creating the brand for ClubLit that I kind of got carried away! πŸ“šβœ¨ I wanted to share a quick branding shot to give you a glimpse of the overall look and feel.

I focused on a warm and inviting colour palette, incorporating a deep, calming blue and a vibrant coral to make key elements pop.

I experimented with 3D imagery using Spline software and had so much fun.

Let me know what you think! 😊