This Movie Year
So recently I had a bit of a rock climbing incident and I've been sort of immobile for a bit and feeling very unmotivated and unproductive. And I started thinking to myself "okay kevin just ride it til the end of the year and then start a new then, 2016 will be alright, you'll be walking by then anyways"
And on my last day at work for the year and it just hit me. Maybe I should take this time of chilling and no work to build something I would enjoy. So something around movies of course. Why not a movie review website that allows me to compile at the end of the year, the best movies I saw that year.
From design to development. I built a movie review platform called This Movie Year. Built on Jekyll and tMDB api. I built a system that allows me to write movie reviews and get all the info from tMDB so I never have to take the time to source images and details too much. Just simply, write the review.
I'm not a fan of blogging or writing in markdown, so I used tinyMCE to build a writer page, and upon saving will convert to markdown and inject the movie variables needed for the rest of the site and save to the blog folder.
Then I used some of the jekyll console stuff to put together an ftp to my server, thats all I need to do for deployment/pushing blogs. Easy mode.
Gonna launch this bad boy sometime this week once I iron out a few more details and what not.
I've already got ideas on what to do to make it better, combining the movie lookup system with the writing page. A few friends want in to write reviews so I'll need to build out some back end stuff to make users, which also gives me the option of saving the images from tMDB instead of making individual calls each time (sorry about that) and what not.
Stay tuned folks!
PS, go build something around what you love, lets be real. It takes me like 2 weeks to add a button at my current day job, I cranked out this bad boy in 2 days from start to finish just about... It doesnt even feel like work and it'll make you feel 100x better about life.