Dragonball Z Kaido Kanji (RedBubble)
T-Shirt Project Explanation:http://jctecklenburg.com/the-t-shirt-project/
T-Shirt Project Day 15. I had gotten roped into watching the harem anime Trinity Seven. Honestly the world is better than any of the characters in the show. One of the coolest parts is the title reveal with all of these lines which snap into text. I decided to combine it with a DBZ shirt, and it seemed appropriate.
Link to this RedBubble Shirt here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/lastinclass/works/15993059-dragonball-z-kaido-kanji?grid_pos=15&p=t-shirt
I am not affiliated with RedBubble in any way though they seem like awesome people. The original design is not my own. This is a personal animation project.
Blog: http://jctecklenburg.com/dragonball-z-kaido-kanji-redbubble/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pikero24/status/679068559801192449
Original Trinity Seven Title: https://youtu.be/QoxXXSdcHoA