Socoro Digital - Grants Directory

Project Brief for Socoro's Grants Directory

Project Overview aims to create a comprehensive and user-friendly Grants Directory to support individuals, businesses, and communities in finding relevant grant opportunities. This platform will serve as a centralised resource for users to discover, apply for, and manage various grants from government and private sectors. The directory will categorise grants by industry, location, and type, providing detailed information and application guidelines to enhance accessibility and usability.


  1. Centralised Resource: Develop a centralised platform for finding and applying for grants.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: Design an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for users to search and filter grants.

  3. Comprehensive Information: Provide detailed information on each grant, including eligibility, application process, and deadlines.

  4. Efficient Management: Enable users to track their grant applications and receive updates on their status.

  5. Accessibility: Ensure the platform is accessible to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities.

Key Features

  1. Search and Filter: Advanced search functionality with filters for industry, location, grant type, and more.

  2. Grant Categories: Organised grant listings by various categories such as agriculture, education, health, etc.

  3. Grant Details: Comprehensive details on each grant, including eligibility criteria, application process, and deadlines.

  4. User Accounts: User registration and login to manage applications and receive updates.

  5. Notifications: Email and in-platform notifications for important updates and deadlines.

  6. Application Tracker: A dashboard for users to track the status of their grant applications.

  7. Resources and Guides: Additional resources and guides to assist users in the grant application process.

Product Requirements Document (PRD) for Socoro's Grants Directory

1. Introduction

  • Purpose: Outline the functional and non-functional requirements for the Socoro's Grants Directory project.

  • Scope: The project includes the development of a web-based platform to list, search, and apply for grants.

2. Features and Functionalities

  • Search Functionality:

    • Keywords search.

    • Filters for industry, location, type, etc.

  • Grant Listings:

    • Categorised grant listings.

    • Details page for each grant.

  • User Management:

    • User registration and login.

    • User profile management.

  • Application Management:

    • Application tracker dashboard.

    • Status updates and notifications.

  • Notifications:

    • Email and in-platform notifications for deadlines and updates.

  • Resources Section:

    • Guides and resources for grant applications.

3. User Interface and Experience

  • Homepage:

    • Introduction to the platform.

    • Search bar and filter options.

  • Grant Listings Page:

    • List of available grants with brief details.

    • Filters on the side for easy navigation.

  • Grant Details Page:

    • Comprehensive details about the grant.

    • “Apply Now” button.

  • User Dashboard:

    • Application status tracker.

    • Notification centre.

4. Technical Requirements

  • Platform: Web-based application.

  • Technologies: React.js for frontend, Node.js for backend, and MongoDB for the database.

  • Accessibility: Compliance with WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

  • Performance: Fast load times and responsive design.

5. Non-Functional Requirements

  • Security: Secure user data and protect against breaches.

  • Scalability: Ability to handle a growing number of users and data.

  • Usability: Intuitive design for a seamless user experience.

6. Timeline

  • Phase 1: Research and Planning (2 weeks)

  • Phase 2: Design and Prototyping (4 weeks)

  • Phase 3: Development (8 weeks)

  • Phase 4: Testing and QA (4 weeks)

  • Phase 5: Launch and Post-Launch Support (2 weeks)

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