MCR Pathways

I worked in-house at the MCR Pathways doing design work as a internship. During this role my task was to create print ready posters/leaflets and created social media graphics for a mentoring program for youth that was struggling.

One of my main tasks was to create print ready posters within InDesign that could be spread around schools/train stations around Scotland so youth that was struggling would see that there would be mentors willing to help, yet also there was ones targeted to encourage adults to sign up to help the youth.

For these posters I used bright colours from the brand and created cheerful vectors to give the posters a friendly and playful look, since I wanted to convey the convey the positive message of helping others but also there are many people happy help as long as they had courage to ask for it.

Another task I did was creating the social media graphics. Most of these were a call to actions to adults trying to courage them to take part of the mentoring program and help those who where struggling.

I would create vector illustrations that would fit the call to actions text or design the marketing graphics to fit with special occasions so the marketing always be fresh and engaging. My main goal was always to make them feel motivating and welcoming to give courage to whose that where considering mentoring.

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