AFCB Selfie Screen Concept

UI/UX design concept for an interactive photo booth for Bournemouth Football Club.

This proposal envisioned an experience where fans could immerse themselves in the excitement of the team by creating personalised selfies alongside their favourite players, known as the cherry squad.

Nestled within the ambience of the stadium's gift shop, our design suggested a large touchscreen display. Users would be invited to engage with the interface, selecting up to five players from the roster to join them in their selfie. With a simple tap, users could curate their dream lineup, positioning the players within the frame.

As the user struck a pose, the integrated camera would capture the moment, composing their image with the selected players' portraits. The result would be a personalised selfie, portraying the user as an honorary member of the squad, fostering a deeper connection between the club and its devoted supporters.

A QR code would be generated of the user’s finished squad selfie. The user would scan the QR code to a hyperlink, enabling them to save the image to their phone. Another option would be that the user could enter their email address and the photo would be sent to them via email.

* This proposal only reached the mockup stage and stock photos were used for the UI. If the proposal were to move forward into a development stage, professional player photos would have been suggested to take so that they could be better composed with the user’s selfies, ensuring a more polished and authentic user experience.

More by Kirsty Traher

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