Aily labs showcase


I did this mini project as part of a test assignment for Aily labs. My goal was to test the market and understand what test jobs companies have now. And this is what came out of it. The test assignment was not related to the main product of the company, but more to test the designer's hard skills and to understand how he thinks and finds solutions

Aily labs

Short Description:

MVV Navigator is a smart transportation application designed to seamlessly integrate various modes of transportation. Its ultimate goal is to reduce travel time, streamline transport processes, and encourage sustainable commuting methods.


• Route Optimization: MVV Navigator leverages advanced algorithms to provide users with the quickest, most efficient travel routes, taking into account real-time traffic, road works, and other factors that can impact travel times.

• Multi-modal Transportation: Whether users wish to take a bus, ride a bicycle or use their own vehicle, MVV Navigator integrates all available transportation options into one, user-friendly interface.

• Sustainable Travel Options: Efficient Move encourages green commuting by integrating real-time availability of public transportation and shared bikes, and suggesting walking or cycling for short distances.

• Real-time Updates: Stay informed about travel times, possible delays and changes in schedules, with live alerts and prompts.

• Booking & Payment: Simplify your transit by booking tickets for buses, trains, and other transportation services directly through the app. Seamless payment integration means no more fumbling for change!


MVV Navigator is more than just a route planning app. It's a community-driven platform aiming to make travel safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly. With our app, users save time, reduce stress, and make informed decisions about their commutes.

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