Why I LOVE drawing skulls | See caption

💀 Why I Love Drawing Skulls 💀 BUT FIRST, which one do you like better? 1 or 2? See below caption for full view.

Skulls aren't for everyone, but as a designer and illustrator, I find them endlessly fascinating. They aren't just about death and darkness; they're a powerful source of inspiration.

Here's why skulls resonate with me:

⏳ Living in the Moment: Skulls are a constant reminder that life is short. They encourage me to stay grounded, appreciate what I have, and not worry too much about the future.

🙏 A Connection to my Faith: When I draw a skull, I'm reminded of the incredible detail in our own anatomy. It's hard to look at that level of craftsmanship without thinking of our Creator. It makes me grateful for the way we're made.

💭 Reflection on Mortality: Skulls also remind me that we're all human and that we need a Savior. They bring me back to the central message of my Christian faith—that Jesus died for us, offering salvation to everyone who seeks it.

For me, skulls are more than just a drawing subject; they're a meaningful part of my journey, reminding me of what's important in life. What about you? Are there things in your art or design practice that make you reflect on a deeper meaning?

Brad Hansen
Creative Director, Designer, & Illustrator

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