Clash of Clans: Clan Raid Attack Summary Feature

Background & Problem

A common rule that clans have adopted in Clash of Clans during Clan Raid weekend is to make sure that each member finishes a district they have started attacking OR to not leave any district destroyed at >70%.

Doing so is unfair to other members as they will be tasked with "cleaning up" unfinished districts and only being able to collect small amounts of loot.

Currently, leaders of a clan can only keep members in check by watching replays of every single person's attacks, which is extremely time consuming:

6 replays/person, at ~2mins/attack, ~48 members/clan.

How might we create a system / feature that allows for more efficient monitoring?

I've created a simple an minimal expand feature that follows existing UI and design languages that aims to allow leaders in clans to quickly scan player attacks to keep members accountable.

Clash of Clans: Selective Mail Feature

Background & Problem

Many clans have a structure and rules for how they decide to operate. Most of these rules are shown in the clan description. However, rules and structures evolve and the current provisions don't allow for discussions amongst leaders, instead having to rely on mail blasts to the entire clan or spamming the clan's chat.

How might we foster discussion to achieve unified understanding amongst leaders in a clan?

Clash of Clans' UI and features seem to be extremely simplified on purpose – to emphasize gameplay rather than socializing. This is why instead of suggesting complex chatrooms or sending mail to individuals where engineers would have to build a new feature and UI, my proposal builds upon existing identifiers (Co-Leaders) and features ("Send Mail").

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