Weather Icons Presentation

Hi guys! I want to share with you some of my latest works - weather icons presentation, featuring the Weather Icons Set created by Arthur Avakyan for Tubik Studio. In this app I presented an iPad screen showing your location, the weather around - the temperature, pressure and other details. But the majority of screen space is covered by a New York City illustration. It's not something I usually do, but this time I just felt like creating this image to test my graphic design skills. I hope you enjoy it!

You can get this icons set on Tubik Lab, as always, and use it in your own wonderful designs.

If for some reason you have missed an article on Icons in UI design published not long ago on our blog, then you definitely need to rush to our website and check it out. It contains more examples of how our icon sets can be used in real designs, and I do believe it can bring some inspiration to you. So stay tuned, follow us on Dribbble and don't miss new blog posts from Tubik Studio!

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