SPACEBRAINZ – Fluo Business Card

2023 was a glorious year on so many levels – and this multi-layered business card (pun intended), finished in December and that we can finally share, was absolutely the cherry on top! What you see here is part of the incredibly awesome job made for the company Spacebrainz, with a brief that, in short, aimed to deliver an aesthetic that could look like “a hybrid between Hello Kitty and Blade Runner”. What’s better than that?

If the whole task was already quite funny because of these premises, crafting those lovely neon-embued artifacts together with Tomek and his Falena Studio turned a dream project into a heavenly one. These business cards - actually the 2nd set of business cards provided for Spacebrainz - are part of a larger branding project that we’ll be able to share soon. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy this first collaboration between me and Tomek, which we literally inaugurated thanks to this OCD-driven futuristic challenge. There’s quite more to come from both of us, so stay tuned!

The hypnotizing cover track of the final artwork – used as a cover slide on Instagram – is Afterimage (which, coincidentally, is the nice title for such a heavily postproduced picture) from the latest, magnificent and monumental, album by Justice, Hyperdrama. Go listen to it! And hey, hit us if you would like a product like this one for yourself

As soon as we'll have permission to publish the whole identity, which included contribution from the whole Spacebrainz team, we'll be sure to publish a more cohomprensive case study on Behance. So.. wait for it, and meanwhile, if you wish, follow me on there too!

Psychedelia, Brutalism, and Motion.
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