Animation: Devotion

"Devotion" Short Animation for Red Candle Games

This short animation is created for the game 'Devotion' by Red Candle Games.Set in 1980s Taiwan, the game explores the life of a family of three living in an old apartment. Through immersive gameplay, players uncover haunting stories of the past by solving puzzles that reveal hidden truths and harsh realities, all while navigating a world deeply rooted in Eastern folklore, psychological horror, and cultural critique. 

The tragic tale centers on the Du family, particularly focusing on the daughter, Du Meixin, a talented singer whose life is tragically cut short. Her demise is precipitated by her father's actions—Du Fengyu, a playwright whose career is in decline. Desperate for success and blinded by his ambitions, he places immense pressure on his daughter to succeed as a child star. However, his grave misunderstanding of her mental health issues and his misguided faith in religious rituals lead him to make a catastrophic decision. Following the advice of a charlatan spiritual advisor, and believing in Cigu Guanyin, he immerses Meixin in high-concentration alcohol, a fatal act he believes will cure her. 

In this animation, I chose the "Rainbow Star Stage" as the background because it plays a pivotal role in the game 'Devotion.' It's the stage where Du Meixin, the daughter in the story, competes in a singing contest—a turning point in her life.  On this stage, her underperformance triggered her psychological illness, but I believe this was just the last straw. Her mental health issues largely stemmed from her father's excessive control and high expectations. 

In the animation, there's a door behind Du Meixin. In the game, players repeatedly open the doors of the Du family’s old apartment, navigating through the game's timeline. This door symbolizes the entry into the deeper layers of the family's story and the unfolding of the tragic narrative.

In creating this animation, my aim was to illuminate not just the eerie beauty of 'Devotion' but also to delve into the profound themes it presents—ambition, misplaced faith, and the complexities of family dynamics. By placing his hopes on elusive and intangible spiritual beliefs, the father's dependence on these instead of addressing his daughter's real needs led to tragedy. Thank you for exploring these intricate themes with me through this animation.

Devotion Game Trailer:

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