BluePawInk shop

Here's the final logo of the brand that I created based on a previous business school project. At first, I wanted it to be really big by selling services and personalized products for life events like weddings, births, bachelor parties, birthdays, funeral arrangements... By offering customizable cards, goodies, themed decorations, t shirts, ...

Then after some thoughts, I decided to focus mostly on creating products based on my drawing but instead of expanding it to all those previous examples, I choose to go for a stationery on Etsy shop.

The goal is mainly to create a brand that links my love for drawings, colors and art with stationery because who never dreamed in his/her life to have your own customizables mug, notebook, ... with your name on it, a quote that makes you stand out, original drawings based on the best cartoons era : The 90's !!!

Welcome to BluePawInk shop that mixed your daily desk accessories with colorful 90's-00's cartoons drawn on paper before entering the digital world till your desk !

Etsy Shop link :

Our Products

Here's a little preview on the products available online on my Etsy shop

Social Media

Having an online business required to be able to interact with prospects, people, artists... That's why I pick Instagram mostly for the easy way to use it, to share stories, reel, my drawings and meet other artists.

The first picture is how it used to be and the second how it is now. Feel free to check the page comment, share, and advices if you want to

BluePawInk Drawings

This is a recent example of how I do my drawings before adding them to future products. It first starts with my draw book, my pencil then i use for now PenUp to turn my traditional art to digital in order to make them more alive and then boom...

More by Benedict May

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