UX Case Study (Service providing app "Assisto")

Research and Design Process for Assisto - A Service Booking App

Project Overview:

Assisto is a mobile application that connects users with a variety of service providers, including cleaners, repair personnel, babysitters/nannies, and old age caregivers/nurses.

Research Methodology:

  • User Interviews: Conducted interviews with potential users to understand their pain points, needs, and expectations for a service booking app. This included questions about their current experience booking services, their preferred features, and any frustrations they've encountered.

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyzed existing service booking apps to identify best practices and potential areas for differentiation. This involved studying features, user interface (UI) design, and user experience (UX) flow.

  • Market Research: Researched market trends for on-demand service applications and the demographics of potential users for Assisto.

Design Process:

1. Define User Personas: Based on the research, user personas were created representing different user groups, such as busy professionals, parents, and seniors. These personas helped to ensure the app catered to diverse needs.

2. Information Architecture: We mapped out the app's information architecture, outlining the main sections, functionalities, and user flow. This involved creating user journeys for each persona, visualizing how they would navigate the app to complete specific tasks (e.g., booking a cleaning service).

3. Wireframing and Prototyping: Low-fidelity wireframes were developed in Figma to establish the basic layout and functionality of the app. These wireframes were then refined iteratively through user testing to ensure usability and a seamless user experience.

4. Visual Design: Using Adobe Illustrator, a high-fidelity visual design for the app was created. This included defining the app's visual style, color palette, typography, and iconography.

5. User Testing: The high-fidelity prototype was tested with users to gather feedback on the aesthetics, usability, and overall user experience. This feedback was used to further refine the design before final development.

Tools Used:

  • Figma (for wireframing and prototyping)

  • Adobe Illustrator (for visual design)

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Ensuring a user-friendly experience for a diverse user base with varying levels of tech-savviness.

  • Building trust and security features for both users booking services and service providers using the app.


The research and design process resulted in a user-centered design for Assisto that is both intuitive and visually appealing. The app caters to the needs of both users and service providers, offering a seamless way to connect and manage service bookings.


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