Innovate Health Africa Branding


At Innovate Health Africa, we envision a future where African healthcare professionals not only adapt to technological advancements but thrive as innovators shaping the industry.

We want a world where innovation and expertise converge to shape the future of healthcare leadership in Africa. "Creating Future Health Solutions Now" is more than a tagline—it's our commitment to empowering professionals with unparalleled training in cutting-edge technology to cause transformational healthcare revolution.

We don't just train; we cultivate pioneers who lead the charge in revolutionizing patient care, ensuring a future where innovation is at the heart of every healthcare practice.


1. To evaluate the brand values, personality and translate these traits into a visually appealing logo design.

2. To skillfully select a perfect color combo and fonts that communicate the brand personality.


1. Create a visual expression that ties together the client's emotions and the company message..

2. Create an identity that visually communicates the strength of the name of the brand.


1. Innovation: We value and strive to imbibe a culture of innovation in the lives of our workers, partners, trainees etc.

2. Empathy: Every solution we provide is tailored made and user-centered. We believe innovation should be crafted to solve a need and we value feedback.

3. Collaboration: We believe so much in collaboration and we value working together to achieve anything we set to do.

4. Sustainability: We believe our impact has to be consistent and sustainable to enable us leave a mark.

5. Adaptability: We believe in adapting to current trends to better attend to the needs of our audience.


Our logo is our most precious element because it represents the core of our identity. It is a wordmark logo made up of various visual elements like the map of Africa, a revolving wheel and three bars creating visual balance to the logo.

The map of Africa represents our commitment to serving Africa and then the revolving wheel talks about the culture of innovation and continuous creativity that we plan to introduce into the healthcare sector. This reveals how connected we are to creating an atmosphere for innovative healthcare solutions.


The color palette stage in a logo design process involves the selection and refinement of colors that will be used in the final logo design. The choice of colors is a critical aspect of logo design as it can evoke emotions, convey brand personality, and create a memorable visual identity.

The goal was to select colors that not only resonate with the brand but also communicate effectively to the target audience, leaving a lasting impression and reinforcing the brand's identity. From market research and brand personality, the color green stood out as a pointer to what the brand offers.


The typography stage in a logo design process involves the selection, customization, and arrangement of typography (fonts and lettering) for the text elements within a logo. Typography plays a significant role in conveying the brand's personality, values, and message.​​​​​​​


The brand expression stage in a logo design process involves the practical implementation of the logo across various touchpoints and mediums to ensure consistency, versatility, and effectiveness. This stage is crucial to ensure that the logo works well in real-world scenarios and maintains its impact across different contexts.

More by Dennis Kanife

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