Online Store "City Wheels"

This project was implemented as part of a competition and has no commercial purposes. I and my team developed an online store with various product categories. The interface should be responsive. Buyers can add and remove items from the cart and also place orders. Key features include sorting by price, searching by name, pagination, cart formation, and ordering.

First, we explored ideas for the store, tested hypotheses, and sought unique solutions. As a result, we decided to create an online store for city commuting essentials, as no similar store offered diverse products for this need in the Ukrainian market.

Following this, we developed a general concept, created a logo, selected colors and fonts, and prepared content for the website. In close collaboration with developers, we designed the site's desktop version, including all screens, and then proceeded to develop the mobile and tablet versions.

We've created a content management system for creating, editing, and publishing information about products and clients. Also an administrator can update a status of orders and view archive.

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